Somethings you think would just go without saying, but it never really works out that way. Being the season for Halloween, I picked up a book of short ghost stories, which turned out to be a whole lot better written than initially anticipated. Of course I read a few right before bed. One eye opening nightmare later, and I am awake at two AM regretting my bed time reading choice.
It was a bit reminiscent of my youth, when my parents would go out on a Saturday Evening, and my sister and I would wind up in the basement watching Chiller Theater. My father, with his "interesting" sense of humor, would upon my parents return home, sneak around to the side of the house where there was a window from which he would have a view of the TV and the back of our heads. At just the right moment (timing is everything you know), he would rap on the window real hard, and watch my sister and I shoot for the ceiling. We never learned, and he never got tired of the joke.
Anyway, for a good Halloween read, I recommend "The Judge's House" by Bram Stoker, but not when you are home alone, and definitely not before bed time.